I must do this more often! It's been great fun finding both new and familiar blogs to explore. In total, 109 people participated (from Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Spain, USA, Canada..) with 196 entries. Thanks to Ms Excel and Mr Random (of course he's a guy) the winners are picked! Drumroll...
The four lucky winners are:
Who will receive this in the mail:
Who can wait for the postman to bring her this:
Who won this:
Who can look forward to receiving this:
Congratulations to the winners!
Wow! Jeg har virkelig vinnerlykke denne helgen! :) Blir spennende å se hva premien er :-D
SvarSlettGrattis till dina lyckliga vinnare och tack för en fin utlottning
SvarSlettKram Agneta
Jippi :-))) Tusen takk. Stor klem og god påske :-))
SvarSlettYay.. Takker så mye, var kjempe artig å få være med å delta. Adressen er sendt på mail. Goood påske!
SvarSlettHar sendt deg mail ;)