
The Knit Kit

I first saw this ingenious little kit mentioned at Jannike's Smuleblogg, and then Maria went to London and bought one, and described it thoroughly. Little time was wasted before I got my own, from Loveknitting.se.
With shipping the total price was NOK 175. And now I can always leave home with my knitting (and this kit) knowing that I'm prepared for anything. You can even bring it with you on the plane, scissors and all!

1 kommentar:

  1. Är den inte fantastisk?? Jag vågade inte ta med min sax på flyget men det står att det ska gå men man vet ju aldrig med säkerhetspersonalen på flygplatser... Det bästa är varvräknaren! att man bara behöver trycka på en knapp.


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